Black Friday-Small Business Saturday Specials—Good Through November 28, 2021

It’s Black Friday and Small Business Saturday this week, and I wanted to give you something special. Read on for THREE AMAZING DEALS—I have never offered a better deal on a reading or a course!


  • These are my most popular sessions. You’ll have a 75 minute one-on-one session with me.

  • It includes a recording plus seven days of follow-up questions.

  • Focus on reading and interpreting your chart generally, or we can cover specialized topics such as: romance and love; finance and career; relocation and travel; personal growth and development and wellness; current transits and forecasting the next year

  • AS A BONUS: If you book a reading with this deal and choose to enroll in Astrology Academy, I will take the price of your reading off of your enrollment fee.

Special SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY Offer: take $75 off the price of your reading when you book by November 28 >>>>


2. FREE ASTROLOGY READING BONUS when your register for Astrology Academy

  • This gives you $225 of value, absolutely free when you register for this course

  • You’ll also receive the early enrollment bonus of a FREE Luminary Membership, from the time you register through the end of the course (current members will have their payments paused).

  • You’ll receive the benefit of having a professional reading to help guide your understanding as you learn to interpret your own chart placements and apply your understanding to real-life situations.

Enroll in Astrology Academy today to receive a Private Astrology Reading (valued at $225) absolutely FREE!

Didn't know that I offer Astrology Academy? Click here to see what's included (More Payment Options Also Available via this link.

3. $75 OFF an ASTROLOGY READING Gift Certificate using code: BLACKFRIDAYGIFT

  • The winter solstice holidays are here, and you may have a loved one (or yourself) ready for the gift of astrology. They’ll have a 75 minute one-on-one session with me.

  • It includes a recording plus seven days of follow-up questions.

  • They can focus on reading and interpreting their chart generally, or we can cover specialized topics such as: romance and love; finance and career; relocation and travel; personal growth and development and wellness; current transits and forecasting the next year

Special SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY Offer: take $75 off the price of your Astrology Reading Gift Certificate when you book by November 28 >>>>