Equinox Specials—Good Through September 22, 2021

 In the days leading up to the Equinox, the energy begins to rev up, and you might find yourself preparing to seek fresh new energy for the upcoming season.

The autumn equinox is the start of Libra season, a time that encourages inner balance. Balance is the key to bring your low moments up and to find your inner resilience and beauty.

Finding balance in your innermost self, relationships, finance, career, and family endeavors is easy when you align with who you truly are.

Your chart is the map that guides you to your unique balancing point within. This personal balancing point is where peace, success, and happiness can easily be found, whenever you wish.

Find your balance with the Equinox's supportive energy.

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1. Longer Astrology Readings

  • I am adding time to astrology readings to give space for information on current transits or to look at special interest questions such as AstroMaps (astrocartography) or questions about relationships, finance, etc.

  • I am including 7 days of access to me with unlimited follow-up questions so that you're still supported after your reading.

  • New price starting Sept 22 is $225

Special Offer: from now until Sept 22, you can get my new LONGER ASTROLOGY READING with everything listed above for my current astrology reading price of $175. Click here to take advantage of this limited time offer >>>>

2. The introductory price of the Quintessence Membership ($155) is going away. Now it will be the regular price of $185

  • The price of $155 was always an introductory price meant to let early adopters of the membership have an extra great rate!

  • The price of the Luminary membership will remain the same

  • Current members are grandfathered into their current price point

Join the Quintessence membership today to be grandfathered into the lower price >>>>

Didn't know that I offer memberships? Click here to see what's included.

3. The temporary discounted price ($720) on the AstroYoga Teacher Training is going back to its regular price of $997.

  • I discounted this iteration of the training due to challenging times across the world. Six months later, I believe people had ample opportunity to take advantage of this discount and the course is returning to its regular price as planned.

  • I will be offering options for a payment plan, as well as a $100 discount to those who pay in full

Click here to learn more about the AstroYoga Teacher Training course and to secure your spot at the discounted price  >>>>

Didn't know I offer an on-demand AstroYoga Teacher Training? Click here to learn more.