Announcing Astrology Advent: Moon Phase Countdown to Solstice 2022

It’s no secret that I love solstice. There’s something joyful about gathering with friends and family to welcome the return of the sun (in the North) or the zenith of the sun (in the South).

This year, solstice falls only two days before the new moon in Capricorn, so there’s going to be a lot of fresh energy accompanying the holidays this year.

To celebrate, I’m doing something I’ve never done before: an advent calendar for the moon phases leading to solstice. Check in each time the moon changes signs this month to learn a little about that moon sign, as well as check out a stellar holiday offer I’ve dreamed up for you. These offers are mostly off-menu and meant to be packed with all the things you need around the holidays: connection, self-care, and a few simple gift ideas.

These deals will phase out along with the moon’s transits, so be sure to check your inbox or this website to watch the moon bring us into solstice 2022.