Astrology Advent 9: Moon in Virgo

Today, the Moon is in Virgo.

This quarter moon is a time focused on reconciling your personal truth with universal truth by taking a wider view. 

In celebration of this Virgo Moon, I’m offering $300 off AstroYoga Teacher Training as a self-study course!

I never offer prices like this for the replay, so if you've been thinking about taking this course, give yourself the gift you've been wanting this solstice!

Learn about AstroYoga Teacher Training here, or click here to sign up using the code VirgoMoon.

This deal phases out as the moon moves on in just about two days!

Use code VirgoMoon at checkout. Offer expires December 17.

Looking for a 4-payment option? Click here and use the code VirgoMoon.

Did you miss the Astrology Advent memo? Here’s the deal:

It’s no secret that I love solstice. To celebrate, I'm doing something I've never done before:


Like the daily treats you may have popped out of your calendar as a child, you'll get a stellar holiday offer I've dreamed up for you EACH TIME THE MOON CHANGES SIGNS leading up to the solstice (Wednesday December 21, 2022).

These offers are mostly off-menu... meaning you won't find them on my website, and I designed them to be packed with all the things you need around the holidays: connection, self-care, and a few simple gift ideas.

Check in each time the moon changes signs this month to reveal that phase's special offer, and to learn a little about that moon sign.

These deals phase out along with the moon's transits, so be sure to check your inbox this website to watch the moon bring us into solstice 2022.