Tonight is the new moon in Capricorn! New moons are always notable, but this one is EXTRA important because of its placement in relationship to the major transits from last year.
Let me explain: much of 2020's intense transits stemmed from a Saturn/Pluto conjunction (and cluster with Jupiter) that happened on this date last year. This transit caused each of us (and the world) to reexamine this zodiac space as it manifested in our lives.
Wherever you have 22-24 degrees Capricorn, this area was challenged. These transits likely brought up shadow concepts for you to examine so that you could either integrate or lovingly release these shadows in favor of introducing conscious, purposeful choices in this area of your life.
Think about what you've been through in the last year. What were the major themes or lessons? Are there areas you're still working through? What are the major events or questions that stand out in your mind?
The Capricorn new moon tonight is perfectly placed in terms of integrating all of 2020. It offers you the chance to set a fresh intention to move forward in the challenging areas of your life.
Whatever you've been through personally in the last year, and what the world has been through collectively: these are facts of the past. The future is yet to be written, and you have the opportunity to begin to write it in the present.
Use the new moon energy to set your intention for the conscious future you'd like to see. Imagine a future for yourself and the world that you'd LOVE to be a part of. Focus on what you'd most like to build through your own effort, rather than on any obstacles you see in the present.
When you do this, the potent energy of this super-charged new moon will be at your disposal to consciously use for the benefit of all beings everywhere.
This week's AstroYoga pose builds steadiness and strength in the areas of the body affected by these transits.
Practice Figure Four Pose (Eka Pada Utkatasana)
To practice this pose:
1. Ground the right foot evenly on the earth or floor
2. Lift the left leg and cross it over the right at the ankle, flexing your foot
3. Sit the hips back in space
4. Draw hands to heart center in anjali mudra
5. Pause, then practice bowing forward
6. Repeat on the other side
You may find that this pose needs to be tweaked to better suit the energy you're dealing with after 2020's intense transits. Feel free to take figure four pose to the ground, laying on your back, stretching your hips that way, or down to the toes for the toe balance.
My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth and healing where there’s unrealized potential.