Your Weekly AstroYoga Forecast

This Saturday is Halloween, and Saturday morning/Friday night is the full moon in Taurus.

This full moon is distinct, and not just because it appears on Halloween. It's also blue moon, marking the second full moon of the month, and it's an exact conjunct with Uranus in Taurus.

If you've been getting these forecasts for a while, you might remember back in March 2019 when Uranus first entered Taurus.

This placement is a HUGE deal in the world of astrology because it symbolizes the abrupt shifts that can happen in real life (think: the environment, finances, farming/food production; the structure of society within the natural world, etc).

With the full moon sitting next to Uranus in Taurus, it brings illumination to the radical shifts that have happened (and will continue to happen) during Uranus' stay in Taurus (lasting until 2026). 

Particularly if you have strong Taurus or Scorpio placements, you may notice yourself wanting to either make an abrupt shift or to hunker down and self-nurture for the time surrounding this moon.

Either choice is okay, but remember, just like the full moon eventually wanes, everything arises and departs in the fullness of time.

This week, ask yourself some questions:

What is it in your life that is changing? Have any shifts caught you by surprise?

How have past or present changes in your life given you a more complete picture of reality as it is?

How do you feel as you navigate change? What area of your life is calling for your emotional attention right now?

What would happen if you surrendered, little by little, to the present reality of what is? What would happen if you laid your emotional burdens upon the face of Mother Earth?

This week's AstroYoga pose nourishes the areas of the body affected by these transits.


Practice star pose (tarasana)!

To practice this pose:

1. Sit on the ground and draw the soles of the feet together, about 18 inches from the pelvis
2. Curl the spine, aiming the crown of the head toward the soles of the feet
3. Place both hands on the toes and draw elbows out to the side
4. Stay and breathe


Breathe into the back space of the heart. This pose opens the energetic portal that supports your heart. Likewise, it seals off the energetic doors where often energy escapes (soles of feet, crown, hands). For added benefit, engage mula bandha.

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth and healing where there’s unrealized potential.

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