Your Mind is Power: Astrology Forecast for March and April 2021

This week, Mercury travels through the end of Pisces and into Aries. Mercury is the planet of thought, communication, and the mind, and this transit is a brief, but powerful moment when you can get right within your own head.

If you've been swimming in thoughts, feelings, and communication patterns that shift from manageable to overwhelming in unexpected ways, now is a moment when these patterns can shift.

When Mercury enters Aries this Saturday, a two-week period begins when you can begin to move the mind easily using the power of your intention and your attention. 

If you consciously engage with this Mercury transit, questions about where you stand will be clairified, and you'll be able to direct your thoughts, actions, and life energy into concentrated, positive directions. 

This has the ability to take you where you want to go and to offer you comfort as you recognize your simultaneous individuality and connection with the universe. 

Ask yourself where you want to go and what you want to do. If you simmer in this question through Saturday, clarity will begin to emerge from within your own spirit.

This week’s AstroYoga posture offers opening, flow, and connection for the channels of this transit.



Practice standing wide-legged forward bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)

To practice this pose:

1. Take a wide stance
2. From the pelvis, fold forward with a long spine
3. Either place the hands under the face OR grab the big toes with the pointer and index fingers
4. Stay and breathe


Use this posture to take a new perspective this week. Things have been shifting for everyone, and this pose can simultaneously invigorate and restore if performed with a balance between simplicity and length. Take it easy to balance the energies of the zodiac and this week's planetary influences.

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth and healing where there’s unrealized potential.