This weekend marked one of the eight most powerful solar points in the year. This moment, which is the halfway point in both Taurus season and Northern spring, is a potent time for deepening your resolve and commitment to relax into your greatest self-possession.
Relaxing and deepening your resolve might sound paradoxical at first, but these two modalities must happen simultaneously to grasp the true power of this moment.
There's a part of you that's able to make things happen, and there's a part of you that's able to allow things to happen in your life. This moment is the time to deepen your resolve as to what you will allow in your life, and what you'd like to hold onto or release (energetically, physically, and emotionally).
Set your resolve for both what you will invite into your life and what you will allow to stay.
Your mind can be your ally or your inner trickster during this time, with Mercury now in Gemini and Venus entering Gemini this week. Ask your mind to deeply inquire into your felt sensations, and you'll have a recipe for using this energy well.
Use your mind as a tool to see your body, resources, love, and life clearly and from multiple angles. Allow your inner inquiry to offer you the mental resilience to allow what you truly want into your life.
This week's AstroYoga pose offers grounding and energetic flow for the Taurus and Gemini ruled areas of the body.
Practice shoulder stand (Sarvangasana)
To practice this pose:
1. Lie on your back
2. Lift the legs to the sky at a 90 degree angle
3. Stay OR lift the hips to the hands, keeping the torso at a 45 degree angle to the floor
4. Stay OR double check that all neck vertebrae are lifted and shift the torso to a 90 degree angle
5. Breathe and stay
Getting upside down isn't about rigor so much as reversing the flow of energies in the body. Play around with a more restorative position (perhaps you slide a block under your hips or use a wall to support the legs). If you find you want more rigor AND all your vertebrae stay lifted from the earth, you can try placing the legs in lotus and placing the hands on the knees.
If you do practice full shoulder stand, be sure to follow with a fish posture!
My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.