2.22.2022 Twos-day

Today is 2.22.2022, and a great day to mention that astrology is closely intertwined with numerology and tarot. These modalities are different ways to express and understand the hidden truths of the universe.

Today celebrates the number two and Pisces season. Both these energies have a close connection to the idea of the moon in astrology.

The simple explanation of the moon is that it represents emotions, nurture, and how you deeply connect with others. 

The more complicated understanding of the moon recognizes it as the subconscious principle which draws manifestation into existence. This can take some time to fully grasp, as it is operational on various levels of life. 

Physically, the moon centers in the brain help us to draw connections, offer healing energy, and grow in ways aligned with our desires and assumptions. 

Emotionally, the moon principle in the body draws what is hidden to our external world to be reflected back to us. Reflection is a key theme of the moon. 

Universally, the moon represents the force of magnetism, or the connections drawn between all beings, matter, and energy at any given moment. 

These powers of the moon combined with Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces offer you a gift: 

Today, you have the heightened potential to use the power of memory to 1) call out of you what is ready to be honored and released; 2) release the weight of old burdens; and 3) rewrite the story of your past so that it leads to a happy, powerful, deeply inspired present moment.

Let yourself be at ease, and consider how everything in existence is conspiring for your great benefit, from the air you breathe, to your body that keeps your heart beating, to those happy companions you meet on your path.


Practice One Legged Toe Stand (Padangusthasana)

To practice this pose:

1. Kneel on both knees with your toes tucked under
2. Shift weight into your feet
3. Lift your knees
4. Draw one knee into the chest and straighten the leg
5. Bring hands to Anjali mudra OR rest hands on a block for added balance
6. Stay, balance, and breathe
7. Repeat on the other side

Please note: This is a posture for practice and fun, and falling is a part of that sometimes. What do you notice when you move toward this pose?