The Taurus Partial Solar Eclipse 2022

Eclipse season is here, and the first one is a partial solar eclipse during the new moon in Taurus. 

Energy has been building toward this moment for some time. The eclipse is conjoining Uranus, square to Saturn, and at the very moment that Venus conjoins Jupiter. 

Wondering what all this means? 

Essentially, this is a portal moment, marking a time when circumstances can shift beyond your current state of imagination. Pay attention to what enters or exits your life during this time. 

Saturn's placement and Neptune's influence suggest that things might feel difficult and seem unclear at first, but Venus and Jupiter promise a favorable outcome for the greatest expression of your soul's purpose.

My advice: Consider what your life would look like in your best-case scenario. Then, begin embodying that energy in your now moment. How would a person who knew everything was working in their favor think, feel, and behave the present?

(AND, if you'd like to ground this into your body, join me for Taurus Season AstroYoga Flow on Wednesday!).


Practice plow pose (Halasana)

To practice this pose:

1. Lie on your back
2. Lift the legs to the sky at a 90 degree angle
3. Stay OR lift the hips to the hands, keeping the torso at a 45 degree angle to the floor
4. Stay OR double check that all neck vertebrae are lifted and shift the torso to a 90 degree angle
5. Stay OR bend the hips, lowering the feet behind you
If you do practice full plow pose, be sure to follow with a fish posture!