
December Astrology and Your Weekly AstroYoga Forecast for 12/24/2019

December Astrology and Your Weekly AstroYoga Forecast for 12/24/2019

Christmas New Moon and Solar Eclipse

You've probably been feeling challenges pop up lately (especially if you have a lot of cardinal placements in Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn), and I bet you've wondered how long these challenges will last. 

This is a prolonged season of challenge for the area of your chart ruled by Capricorn, but this week will bring some light to those challenges you've been facing.

Early on the 26th (in North America), there will be a partial New Moon Solar Eclipse next to Jupiter. This is eclipse will bring light and some beneficial energy to what you've been struggling with.

The Aquarian Lunar Eclipse; Mercury and Mars in Retrograde; What does it all mean???

The Aquarian Lunar Eclipse; Mercury and Mars in Retrograde; What does it all mean???

A lot of you have been sending questions about the eclipse, and about Mercury and Mars in retrograde.

These are phenomena that we talk about A LOT in popular astrology these days. (Note, I actually don't think mercury/mars retrogrades are as big a deal as some claim--more on that in a future post).

But today, I have a special message for you on this eclipse:

Outer Planets: Why should you care about Uranus?

Outer Planets: Why should you care about Uranus?

Uranus is here to ask you a question: How do you feel about freedom?

Now, before we get carried away, this isn’t some patriotic guise. Freedom as I’m speaking about it refers to absolute, anything-can-happen, throw-it-to-the-wind, FREEDOM.

And chances are, you have mixed feelings about it. I know I do. Freedom sounds good at first to the ego… after all anything you want is possible. But then, upon reflection, most people will find that total freedom doesn’t sound so good because we also love boundaries. For example, we like our soul to be free...but for it to also adhere to the boundary of our bodies. And we’d like the flow of cash to be free… so long as some of it stays in our bank account.

Tell-Tale Signs of an ADVANCED Yoga Practice

Tell-Tale Signs of an ADVANCED Yoga Practice

Happy Memorial Day!

Lately, advanced yoga postures have been on my mind. This past week I attended a remarkable six-day advanced posture training here in Eugene, Oregon, and I’m not sure I have ever sweat so much!

It was nice to step back from teaching yoga classes in order to fully participate as a student. I find when I do this I always learn something new, and last week was no exception.

In the course, we had a discussion about what it means to have a truly advanced practice. Each person shared a different perspective. What struck me is that none of our answers were directly based on physical aptitude or even attaining advanced postures. Rather, the milestones mentioned by the group were internal.

In the days since the training, I find myself returning to this question. After all, it’s not merely certification, years of practice, or the types of classes you attend that turn you from an intermediate to an advanced practitioner. 

So what are the signs your yoga practice is deepening (or is already super deep)? Read on…

The Yogi’s Bookshelf: My Top 5 Picks

The Yogi’s Bookshelf: My Top 5 Picks

Those who know me well know that I LOVE a good book. I also don’t like to waste time reading things that aren’t helpful or don’t connect with me. But when I find a book I love, one that really juices up my soul, that’s when I want to spread the word far and wide!

On Sunday, May 6 I’m going to present a yoga philosophy workshop at Mudra Yoga in Eugene. I’m excited about this not only because I LOVE working with yogis, but because I get to talk about some of my favorite texts on this topic.

The workshop is going to be amazing—not because I’m amazing, but because what we’re talking about is truly life enhancing, soul edifying, and fun.

I know my readers are far and wide, so if you can’t make it to the workshop in Eugene (register here if you can!), you can at least know my top picks for your yogi bookshelf.

April and the Fool

April and the Fool

Happy April; happy Easter; happy April Fool’s.

There are few holidays that invite as much mischief and as much glee as April Fool’s Day.

In my mind, I have an ongoing list of my favorite pranks I’ve heard of, seen, or participated in. These pranks come from a long standing tradition. While scholars don't agree on the origin of this holiday (some say it comes from the switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar, wherein those still celebrating the new year on April 1 were thought to be fools; and some say it is the modern iteration of a Greco-Roman holiday called Hilaria), they all agree that the holiday has taken place for thousands of years.

This holiday has its beginnings in the West, and as such, draws up the western esoteric imagery of the Fool.

The Fool has links to astrology and yoga, and the Fool is a key concept to understand as we travel on our yogic paths.

CLAIM YOUR PERSONAL POWER with Yoga and Astrology

CLAIM YOUR PERSONAL POWER with Yoga and Astrology

 In the past 15 months, we’ve seen the climate in our country reach higher and higher levels of uncertainty. I’ve had conversation after conversation where I hear the same sentiment brought up—that feeling of being powerless in a world where power seems to be something that people take by violence and force. In a world driven by binaries, we see powerful vs powerless, domineering vs helpless. 

But there has to be a better way to see things than binaries that divide and disempower. I’m a yogi-astrologer, so I looked into yoga and its sister discipline, astrology, for answers.

A lot of the time when we use the word ‘power’ with yoga, we’re referring to a type of vinyasa-heavy flow that activates cardio and really BURNS SOME CALORIES.  But there is a type of power far more central within yoga and astrology that leads us down the path of empowerment.

The Call of Yoga in Troubling Times

The Call of Yoga in Troubling Times

Astro-yogis, I have a confession: sometimes I see the news updates flashing across my phone, and I feel numb.

As a member of the yoga community, I’m acutely aware that this numbness is precisely why yogis are often criticized in troubling times.

To some, it seems like we live in a delusional space, talking about peace and bliss when our nation is torn apart by gun violence. And perhaps you yourself are wondering: how can I be thinking about creating calm—perhaps just sitting there in a meditation or just standing there in a tadasana (mountain pose) while it’s clear that SOMEONE NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING.

And of course, you’re not wrong to wonder that.

In the sort of yoga I practice (and likely you do too, if you’re in the United States and a yogi), the yoga practitioner is called to acknowledge reality as it is.

This means acknowldging the flaws and gifts within us, as well as the flaws and gifts outside ourselves. And this can seem fine (if still challenging) when the flaws we face are palatable: overcoming issues with perfectionism, finding balance, giving ourselves permission to fail. And of course, these palatable flaws are important for us to address.

But, in my experience, the task of acknowledging things as they are grows more challenging when we have to acknowledge the completely unpalatable, choking-hazard flaws in our reality.

Yoga for Grief: 7 Practical Techniques

Yoga for Grief: 7 Practical Techniques

Fall is in full swing, and the trees are shedding their leaves in blustery Eugene, Oregon. This changing weather reminds me that November marks the middle of the season to both let go and give thanks.

Letting go in the fall can be difficult. We let go of the sunny, warm weather; the trees let go of their leaves; and sometimes we're called to let go of something or someone we weren't ready to lose. 

It seems like so many people tend to pass on in the fall. I lost my dear, wonderful grandma recently, and a number of my friends are also in the midst of grieving friends and family who have gone too soon.

The pain that is left when we lose a loved one can be confusing and sad, but grief can also offer us a roadmap toward healing. 

In times of grief, I turn to those things that bring me comfort, those things that bring people together, those things that inspire me to see beyond the pain.

For me, that thing is yoga. But yoga for grief can go beyond your regular studio class and enter into the more intimate spaces in your life. Here are my suggestions for grief-soothing, heart-healing yoga...

The Dawning Aquarian Age: Why is the World So Crazy Right Now?

The Dawning Aquarian Age: Why is the World So Crazy Right Now?

It seems like everywhere I walk in town I hear echoes of conversations (the world sure is crazy right now… can you believe the news? What did Trump do now?) 

Perhaps in every age people make comments like this, but there’s no denying that lately things have seemed…just a little crazier than usual.

When big things happen, astrology usually has something to say about it, and this is no exception. However, this cluster of time is different from any one specific event (Trump’s election, Brexit, the general atmosphere of social change/resistance to change). So, what is it that’s going on?

Well, for the last few decades, we’ve been experiencing the beginning of the Aquarian Age.