Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus

Here comes the Taurus Full Moon Eclipse. This is the first of a series of eclipses along the Scorpio/Taurus axis. This eclipse is making a t-square, which is a paradoxical aspect, with Jupiter in Aquarius.

This means that the Sun, Moon, and Jupiter are all showing us ways to sustain ourselves in the worlds, but they're showing us through different modalities.

This full moon asks you to release your dedication to the solely manifest, tangible areas of life, in order to see the riches that exist in the mind and within the creative depths of your being.

When you do this, you'll be able to see possibilities and potential where you previously saw roadblocks and heartache. You'll be able to more consciously create your circumstances in your now moment in a way that acknowledges and uses your inner light.

Let your desire for what you truly want be your guide, and know that letting go of what does not fit into this moment in your life is clearing the path for what does.


Practice fish pose (Matsyasana)

To practice this pose:

1. Lie on your back
2. If you have lotus in your practice, set legs in lotus, otherwise extend legs long
3. Place your elbows on the floor
4. Arch your back so your heart lifts and your throat opens
5. Place the top of your head on the mat
6. If you legs are in lotus, grab your big toes with your pointer and middle fingers

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