Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

This Friday-Saturday (depending on your time zone) is the total solar eclipse in Sagittarius. Eclipses are powerful portal moments of great power that allow for the birth of the unexpected.

This particular eclipse is especially powerful because it closes a cycle of eclipses in Sagittarius and Gemini, and because it's a total eclipse (meaning the sun will be completely obscured from some viewing locations).

This eclipse comes right after Neptune turns direct after five months of retrograde, and the eclipse itself has powerful aspects with several planets. 

Mercury, Neptune, Saturn, and Chiron all come into play, creating a complex moment when healing old wounds and patterns is deeply possible, if you're willing to face the facts of what happened, and set appropriate boundaries (both externally and in your mental emotional plane).

Whatever you've been shifting and working on in life these last 18 months is ready to see its final moments of change.

Old chapters are ready to end, and new ones are in the process of beginning.

Don't be afraid to align with what you truly want (your inner truth will tell you this, which is a bonus of Sagittarius-energy yoga practices!). You may not be able to see what's coming, but try to focus on the positive future, even as you acknowledge and release the painful aspects of the past.

Set your new moon eclipse intention to receive the good you've been waiting for.


Practice Supta Baddhakonasana (the Reclined Bound Angle Pose)

To practice this pose:

1. Lie on your back
2. Place the soles of your feet together and allow your knees to open wide (blocks or pillows are an option under the knees)
3. Place one hand on your heart and one hand on your low belly
4. Stay still for several minutes, watching your breath

On 11/30/21 I'm offering a special Sagittarius and the Quest for Inner Truth Yoga Flow, and if you sign up by class time, you'll receive the recording with an active flow to do all month (for this eclipse and beyond!). This flow will help you: 

✨ Call in the cosmic power of clarity, joy, and truth to your physical and energetic body

✨ Receive the gifts already present within you in seed form, waiting to manifest

✨ Transmute challenging energy from your past (especially from these last 18 months!) so that you can move forward with a fresh slate 

✨ Align, Activate, and Energize your body in a way that makes both body and mind fit for the present moment

Claim your spot in the Special Sagittarius and the Quest for Inner Truth Yoga Flow Class  >>>>

Everyone who signs up will receive the recording of the class whether you attend live or not. Class time is at 5-6:15 pm Pacific Time via Zoom.