Swirling Energies Leading into Solstice 2021

This week's energy is swirling with change. We're coming off of the solar eclipse last weekend, and now energies are shifting, leading up to solstice two weeks from now.

Eclipses have the tendency to rapidly shift circumstances, calling you into a new way of being. So, it may feel like you're operating from a different vantage now than you were last week. 

This week, the eclipse is integrating as Mars moves into Sagittarius, and Mercury moves into Capricorn. Additionally, Venus is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn as she prepares for her retrograde period (which you may already be feeling). 

Wondering what all this means for your life? 

Essentially, now is a time to think deeply and focus with your mind, while allowing your physical energy to move freely and joyfully through the world. 

Allow your mental focus to have definite aims (for example, have a purpose when you speak to people: are you catching up, communicating a request, asking a question?). 

During this time, the more clear you get through your mental focus, the more joy and understanding you'll experience in your daily actions. Experiment with thinking clearly while simultaneously allowing your actions to follow your unique, wayward path.

Ask yourself what it is you need in order to experience expansion and joy, and allow yourself to take actions simply for the pleasure of being alive and curious. 


Practice Figure Four Pose (Eka Pada Utkatasana)

To practice this pose:

1. Ground the right foot evenly on the earth or floor
2. Lift the left leg and cross it over the right at the ankle, flexing your foot
3. Sit the hips back in space
4. Draw hands to heart center in anjali mudra
5. Pause, then practice bowing forward
6. Repeat on the other side

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