The Gemini Full Moon, Venus Retrograde, and the Wounded Healer

This week leads to the full moon in Gemini, Venus stationing retrograde, and the end of Chiron retrograde.

Wondering what this all means?

The relationship this full moon has with Jupiter and Neptune brings a theme of releasing false or limiting thought patterns. If you pay attention, you may start to recognize habitual thought patterns that limit you in some way. This can manifest as finally seeing the patterns of judgement or limiting beliefs you have about yourself, or perhaps you'll notice how your emotions come into play when you make assumptions about what others think of you.

The more you draw these thought patterns into consciousness, the more you can make use of Venus and Chiron changing directions. Venus retrograde begins with a Pluto conjunction, indicating that now is a time to courageously face the shadows, clearing the way for more beauty and love in the cycle to come. 

Likewise, Chiron is the healer of the zodiac, and as he turns direct, the possibility to integrate, grow, and transform is here, provided you look at what's leaving with the firm knowledge that your ultimate wellbeing is your divine birthright. 

Overall, this is a time of setting fear aside in order to see others and ourselves clearly. Offering compassion to your shadows can be a tricky business, but the outcome is always greater happiness, love, and inspiration. 


Practice Humble Warrior (Bandha Virabhadrasana)

To practice this pose:

1. Take a wide stance, turning your right toes out
2. Bend your right knee
3. Clasp your hands behind your back
4. Bow your torso between your legs, lifting your hands away from your hips
5. Stay and breathe
6. Repeat on the other side

Astrology Academy
Classes start January 18

✨ Design the life you’ve been longing to live ✨

With the knowledge from this course you'll be able to:

  • Use astrology to live a richer, fuller life in your full expression of who you truly are

  • Find more joy, more satisfaction, more understanding

  • Navigate the zodiac

  • Read the energetic imprint of your unique chart

  • Use the planetary shifts to navigate months, days, and years

  • Plan business, life, relationships, major events around the timing of the stars--make informed choices

  • Forecast the energies coming into your life and see what energies are leaving

  • Design your personal hacks toward motivation, emotional resilliance, and love

  • Create ease and flow in business and personal life

  • Enrich your business energy and finances

  • Know next steps in your unique path forward

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