Aquarius and Capricorn 2022

It's Aquarius season, but Capricorn energy is sharing the spotlight. 

Yesterday Mars moved into Capricorn, which is the good news. Mars is in his exaltation in Capricorn, which means that Mars is there to really shine. 

At its best, Mars energy encourages action and protection, and in Capricorn this means that you'll have a heightened capacity to take measured steps toward building what you want. 

Pluto, Retrograding Mercury (as of tonight), and Retrograding Venus are also in Capricorn, so use Mars' action and protection to help you sort out relational and communication issues the old-fashioned way (with effort and a little time). 

Meanwhile, the Sun and Saturn are steady in Aquarius, giving you steadiness and insight into how to move into the future with the insights you're gaining in Capricorn.

Both Capricorn and Aquarius are associated with the root chakra. So take time to ground and meet your own needs this week. Next week we're leaving retrograde season and welcoming a new moon, so this week is a moment of reconciliation before the fresh energy of the lunar new year.


Practice chair pose on your tip toes (utkatasana)

To practice this pose:

1. Stand in tadasana (mountain pose) and lift up onto your tip toes
2. Sit your hips back in space, keeping your core strong and heart lifted
3. Draw hands overhead OR palms together in anjali mudra 
4. Optional: practice putting the heels down and then lifting them back up