The Dance of the Cosmic Lovers: Mars and Venus 2022

In astrology, Mars and Venus are a pair of cosmic lovers. They dance through the zodiac, and when they come together, we see a kind of magic happen. Mythology likens this to falling in love, and indeed, when these qualities are integrated in your chart or your transits, it can feel like falling in love with yourself. 

Mars represents the principle of action, and Venus represents desire and delight. They teach a comic truth that when you desires and your actions align, you become an unstoppable force for love. 

Right now Mars and Venus are conjunct and will travel the zodiac together a bit longer than usual.

This gives you an opportunity: Take steps toward what you truly want, and release all false premises, identity constructs, or mistaken urges from your past.

The Sun entering Pisces this Thursday will help you let go of what's been stopping you, and Mars will help you drive forward toward your aim. Make sure you're pointing yourself toward where you actually want to go (and not just what you think is practical or believe is possible within a set of constraints).

You are free, and steady steps toward your greatest love will take you to where you most long to be.


Practice Hand to Big Toe pose (Hasta Padangusthasana)

To practice this pose:

1. Stand in tadasana (mountain pose) and shift weight into your left foot
2. Lift your right foot and grab the big toe (or you can bend your knee and hold the knee)
3. Open your arms and lifted leg wide
4. Repeat on the other side