Full Moon Release and Equinox Energy

Yesterday was the full moon in Pisces, and tomorrow is the equinox and start of Libra season, so you may have felt some shifts in the air. 

The equinox marks a change in season, and the full moon marks a big release. This is a moment when physical and psychic toxins can be released in order to move into the next phase of the year with renewed energy.

If you find that your body needs more rest, give yourself that gift. If you find a sudden urge to activate your body, listen to that too. The sun entering Libra is all about realizing that the law of cause and effect (karma) is at play.

When you see the law of cause and effect at play clearly, you suddenly understand what you need to do in order to find the results you seek.

Take some time to see how altered actions might produce what you wish more easily. Sometimes the very action you need is counter intuitive to your current course, so remember to dig deep and look at the full spectrum of what is possible for you, from rest to activity in the body and mind.


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Practice Warrior 3 (Virabhadrasana III)

To practice this pose:

1. Stand in tadasana (mountain pose) and shift your weight onto the right foot
2. Lift your left leg and tilt your torso forward in one long line
3. Draw hands overhead OR palms together in anjali mudra 
4. Optional: take the pose to balancing stick by bending over even further and lifting the leg more
5. Repeat on left foot

Create integrity in the pose by keeping a long spine, and lifting the ribcage slightly (so the core is engaged and the heart is supported from above and below). If this feels good, then begin to focus on the floating leg, lifting the inner thigh slightly so that the toes and knee point down.

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.

Special Yoga Invite for Thursday!

Thursday 9/23/21 I'm offering a special Libra and the Cosmic Balance Yoga Flow which will help you:

✨ Call in the cosmic powers of balance, alignment and beauty into your physical body 

✨ Receive the gifts already present within you in seed form, waiting to manifest

✨ Transmute challenging energy from the last season of life so that the second half of the year is facing in the proper direction

✨ Align, Activate, and Energize your body in a way that makes both body and mind fit for the present moment

Everyone who signs up will receive the recording of the class whether you attend live or not. Class time is at 5-6:15 pm Pacific Time via Zoom. 

When you practice in alignment, good things are coming your way. 

Claim your spot in the Special Libra and the Cosmic Balance Yoga Flow Class  >>>>