Venus, Mars, and the Pisces Full Moon

The energies are shifting in preparation for the full moon in Pisces next Monday.

Venus is now in Scorpio and Mars is entering Libra tonight. Venus is Libra’s ruler and Mars is the original ruler of Scorpio. In astrology, this formation is known as mutual reception, a phenomenon where two zodiac signs are each housing the other’s ruler.

This formation creates powerful energy where desire, action, and the fulfillment that’s always already present come together in the Libra and Scorpio ruled areas of your chart. 

You might find yourself opening to that beautiful balance of dreaming, desires, and action. This is a winning formula for finding and achieving what you truly want in this life. Ask yourself what you want to do, who you want to be, and what (or whom) you truly want to have in your life.

Monday’s full moon in Pisces offers a spiritual, emotional, and energetic release to these placements, allowing you to draw the abstract notions of your emotional and mental self into the material world. Let yourself open to practical projects that support your most beautiful imagined ideas about who you can be and where you can go in life.

If you open to the present moment with vision, love, and action, what you desire is sure to manifest.



Practice triangle pose (trikonasana)!

To practice this pose:

1. Take a wide stance with your right toes turned out
2. Reach your right arm forward, keeping your spine long
3. Descend your right arm to your right toes (or a block, or the floor) and your left arm to the sky
4. Broaden your chest and breathe
5. Repeat on the other side

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.

Special Reminder!

I am adding even more value to astrology readings! I am:

Adding time to readings so I can answer more specific questions about astrocartography, specific life decisions, transits, and progressions

Offering seven days of unlimited follow-up questions in case you need anything clarified from our time together

Schedule your appointment before the equinox, you'll receive the new, deluxe astrology reading at the old, lower price!

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