Shifting Energies after the Virgo New Moon

Last night was the new moon in Virgo, and today, the energy begins to shift again, as the moon grows and Venus prepares to leave its zodiac home of Libra to enter Scorpio.

This is a configuration that will challenge you to move into places of depth. 

The shallower vibrations of these placements can cause conflict, stubbornness, and needless criticisms that can be directed inward toward yourself or toward others, but don’t let this fool you! 

Even though you might run into these energies out in the world, keep in mind that this is a moment to go deep. When you do this, you’ll enter into the higher vibrations of these energies.

At their highest, these energies can open you to the energies of compassion, growth, and deep nourishment.

These energies can encourage you to tap into the pieces of you that are willing to do the deep inner work along with the surface-level organizational efforts of your daily tasks.

When you do this, you’ll find the abiding truth that each being is working diligently, each according to their own consciousness, and that every effort deserves to be met with compassion.

Remember to direct a large part of this compassion inwardly, and you’ll find that your Virgo New Moon intentions are sure to blossom.


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Practice twisted pyramid pose (parivrttatrikonasana)!

To practice this pose:

1. Stand with your right foot a large step in front of your left foot
2. Angle the left toes out so that the foot is comfortable
3. On an inhale lengthen your spine
4. Exhale and fold over the leg with the spine long
5. Place the left foot on the floor, your foot, or a block
6. Lift the right hand to your hip or to the sky
7. Breathe and notice
8. Repeat on the other side


It can be tempting to reach the hand up to the sky when doing this pose. Rather than focusing on pressing the fingers skyward, focus on widening the collarbones so that there is width in your chest. Once you do that, check in with the hips to see if they're relatively level. In this stance, you'll be better able to work toward deeper twists. 

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.

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