Aligning for the 2021 New Moon in Virgo

This week, we’re heading into the September 6 New Moon in Virgo.

This energy carries with it the potential for deep integration and understanding, as both Mercury and Venus are in Libra, a sign that carries fairness, beauty, and understanding as some of its core powers.

As the new moon approaches, these Libra placements can help with your inquiry into your day-to-day life, who you are at your core, and your relationships with others.

The moment of the new moon has harmonious energy with Uranus in Taurus, and challenging energy with Neptune in Pisces. This means it's time to set intentions to integrate your dreams with the shifts in reality, as well as line up your present reality with the direction you’d like to go for your dreams.

Successful navigation of this moon requires a deep surrender to the highest good, as well as a reaffirmation of self-responsibility in regard to directing yourself toward your dreams.

Give yourself time to get to know yourself as you are today. What has shifted since last month? What has shifted since last week? Pay attention to yourself and see how much simpler it is to call your desires to yourself.



Practice twisted half moon pose (parivrtta ardha chandrasana)!

To practice this pose:

1. Start in Warrior 3 (on your right foot with torso reaching forward and left leg reaching back).
2. Reach your left hand down toward the floor (or a block) and your right hand up toward the sky
3. Stay and breathe
4. Repeat on the other side


Keep the body enlivened by breathing deeply, broadening the chest, and reaching powerfully with the legs.

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.

AstroYoga Teacher Training


AstroYoga Teacher Training is now ON-DEMAND through the end of 2021! Until September 22, you can receive it at a special rate ($277 off). You can take the course on your own time AND receive YOGA ALLIANCE credit. This is possible until the temporary remote guidelines end at the end of the year. Questions? Respond to this email. Details about the course here.