Welcome to Virgo Season 2021

Welcome to Virgo season! Virgo season is a time of heightened integration which takes place in the body and in the tangible areas of life.

Virgo rules digestion, which is literally the process of inviting in what you need and releasing what you don't.

Energetically, Virgo season works the same way, inviting you to digest your experiences so that the pain and challenge is released, while the joy, lessons, and wisdom become integrated into your spirit.

This integration is key, because it is the very means by which you can manifest what you truly want in this life. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron are all retrograde right now, making this Virgo season even more powerful in terms of integrating deep experiences from your life.

Healing and manifestation are now made more possible as you offer yourself the digestion, compassion, and love that constitute this season. 

This week's AstroYoga pose aids in energetic digestion and opens the Virgo-ruled areas of the body.


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Practice twisted high lunge (parivrtta ashta chandrasana)!

To practice this pose:

1. Stand in a lunge position with your right foot forward
2. Take a deep inhale and lengthen your spine forward
3. As you exhale, twist the torso to the right
4. Either place palms together in anjali mudra or spread the arms wide
5. Choose whether you'd like to take the option to bind the arms by reaching the left hand under the leg to meet the right hand
6. Repeat on the other side


Try to create one long line from the back foot to the top of the head. More important than binding or twisting deeply is good alignment.

Also note: sometimes reaching for the bind can confuse the body. Sometimes, I find it helps to use the other arm to help the arm moving under the knee to find its place.

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.

Virgo season is all about creating order on the micro level in order to see big magic in the macro level of life. Virgo energy represents the potency of taking care of your body in order to see positive shifts in every area of life. In short, it's one of the most powerful energies that AstroYoga itself is based on.

When you integrate Virgo energy into your life, you become an unstoppable force of manifestation and creating what you truly desire.

8/25/21 I'm offering a special Virgo Season and the Cosmic Body Yoga Flow which will help you:

Call in the physical resources, health, and physical awareness that will help you manifest your dreams
Receive the gifts of Virgo Energy so that your life force organizes itself toward your highest good.
Transmute challenging energy to prepare for a smooth autumn
Align, Activate, and Energize your body in a way that makes both body and mind fit for the present moment

When you practice in alignment, good things are coming your way. 

Claim your spot in the Special Virgo Season and the Cosmic Body Yoga Flow Class  >>>>

Everyone who signs up will receive the recording of the class whether you attend live or not. Class time is at 5-6:15 pm Pacific Time via Zoom.