The Aquarius Blue Moon 2021

This is the final week of Leo season, which will culminate with a blue moon in Aquarius. 

This full moon is special because it is the second full moon in Aquarius this year and because it's conjunct retrograding Jupiter.

This full moon is asking you to truly take stock of how you allowed light to shine in and shine out of your life this month.

In what ways have you opened yourself to receiving gifts, bounty, and good energy recently?

In what ways have you opened yourself to taking higher perspectives and longer views of your vision for life?

In what ways have you opened yourself to giving a little more, trusting a little more, and offering your true gifts out in the world?

This moon is a moment to let the light flow with even more potency. It's a reminder that life is found in the most mundane moments and that your story is written in the moments you open fully to your beautiful vision for life.

This week's AstroYoga pose opens the heart to both give and receive more light.


Practice puppy pose (Uttana Shishosana)

To practice this pose:

1. Come to table top position (hands and knees)
2. Walk the hands forward and begin melting the heart toward the earth
3. Either keep the torso away from the floor, rest the forehead on the floor, or place the chest and chin on the floor (according to your comfort and flexibility)
4. If the chest and chin touch the mat comfortably, you may lift your knees
5. Stay and breathe


Allow the lower back and hips to widen as you enter this back bend. Allow the backbend to take place more in the upper back. This is a great posture to begin to open the more fixed vertebrae in the upper thoracic spine, so give yourself time and space here to allow them to open!

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.

Join me for an Ask Me Anything session this Thursday on the Blue Moon in Aquarius!

Regular engagement with your chart can help you navigate life with more ease, resilience, and grace.

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