The Lion's Gate Portal 2021

The Lion's Gate Portal is now open.

This portal is a yearly event that brings a reason to celebrate as the Earth and Sun align with the soul-star Sirius to bring greater light and consciousness into your body, mind, and spirit.

The Lion's Gate will peak on Sunday 8/8, which is also the new moon in Leo.

In the body, Leo corresponds with the heart, and relates to the Ajna chakra (3rd eye area). This configuration represents the fiery seat of inspiration that is found through the unity of mind, intuition, and heart. When these three are united within you, you become an unstoppable force.

My suggestions for navigating the Lion's Gate:

1. Consider any inner conflicts between your mind and heart. What is at their root? Is there a way for inner paradox to return to nuanced inner unity?

2. Surrender any inner attachments to identities, tasks, or beliefs that feel disjointed with your heart and mind--this is a sure way to tell that they were never yours to begin with.

3. Open to the possibility of more goodness than you have yet been able to imagine. Open to the gifts that are coming your way, and choose to align with the energy of peace, joy, and hope.

What is it you've been wishing for? Now is the time to repeat your heartfelt desire to yourself and watch it become manifest as you engage with your soul-created life.

This week's AstroYoga pose is here to open the Lion's Gate portal of the body.



Practice One-Legged Backbend (Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana)

To practice this pose:

1. Lie on your back
2. Place your feet near your bottom and your hands near your ears
3. Press into a full backbend
4. Shift weight out of one foot and come onto the toes
5. Bend the knee into the torso and slowly straighten the leg
6. Stay and breathe


Notice where your comfort zone meets your expansion zone. You may be used to lifting a leg, and so you can work on lifting it higher, or perhaps lifting a hand as well. 

Or, you may be getting used to lifting a leg, so perhaps moving to your tip toe is enough, or lifting a leg in bridge instead of wheel.

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.

Want to understand how this affects your chart? Check out memberships.

Leo Season Horoscope Booklets AND the Lion's Gate AstroYoga class are officially out!

PLUS, this Friday there's an Ask Me Anything session where I'll answer all your questions on how the Lion's Gate affects YOUR chart.

Engaging with these energies can radically shift your life into alignment, ease, and joy.

It's all happening in the Quintessence and Luminary Memberships which give you exclusive access Ask Me Anything Sessions, on-demand yoga classes, your monthly astrology guides, and MORE. These tools can help you unlock the secrets in your chart that help you solve life's biggest enigmas. Learn more here.