Venus-Mars Conjunction 2021: Your Weekly AstroYoga Forecast

This is the week of the Venus/Mars conjunction in Leo. Venus represents all that is beautiful, desirable, and pleasurable in your psyche and world; Mars represents the single-pointed drive to move toward that which Venus represents, no matter what obstacles stand in the way.

These two are meeting after a Mercury/Jupiter trine, which may have stirred the depths of your emotions into expression.

With thoughts and feelings being aired, now is the perfect moment to draw upon the energy of Venus and Mars in Leo. This conjunction is a reminder that no matter what you feel for others or what you want externally, you are ruled by the inner fire of your heart, which can never lead you astray.

Venus and Mars in Leo remind you to go for what you love, and to release the thoughts and emotions you have about what others think about you. Simultaneously, you may recognize that when you truly act according to your heart, the judgements you have about others also begin to soften and release.

My suggestions for this week:

1. Take some time to listen to the roar of your heart. What is it you truly want that originates from this sacred zone?

2. Take some time to listen to the chatter of the mind. What is it that exists here that doesn't originate from you? What judgements (including self-judgements), beliefs, or attitudes are ready to release in order to align the mind with the heart's fire?

This week's AstroYoga pose opens the heart and strengthens the body to safely open to what is truly meant for you.


Practice Ustrasana (Camel Pose)


To practice this pose:

1. Kneel with both knees on the ground
2. Lift the heart toward the sky with the hands on the low back
3. Begin to curl the upper spine, while keeping the thighs pressing forward
4. Lower the hands to blocks, the feet, or the floor


Try tucking the chin in and keeping the back of the neck long to strengthen the front of the neck (especially if your have some Taurus in your chart). This is also good to do if you're still strengthening the neck and don't want to drop the head back (you'll know this is you if lowering the head back lacks control at any point). Bonus, this will strengthen the neck for all sorts of other poses!

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.

Save the date for Leo Season AstroYoga Flow: 7/29 at 5pm PT!

If you've ever wanted to feel grounded, capable, and relaxed amid the shifting cosmic energies, an AstroYoga Flow class is what you need.

Each zodiac season has a set of energies particular to that zodiac sign and the astrology of the year in which the season occurs.

This class integrates the current zodiac energies to support body, mind, and soul in your highest alignment with the cosmos and yourself.

This is for you if:

  • You love practicing yoga

  • You want to feel amazing and aligned physically, mentally, energetically, and emotionally

Book your spot for a special Leo and the Lion's Gate Solar Heart Flow here >