2021's Most Powerful New Moon Plus Venus/Mars Conjunction T Square

The energy is ready for a fresh reset this week, as we collectively face two powerful formations. 

The first is an energetic surge from a Venus-Mars conjunction forming what's known as a T Square with Saturn and Uranus. The second is the most potent new moon of the year: the Cancer New Moon.

What you can expect: tensions at this time are high as you negotiate the semi-paradoxical urges for freedom, release, protection, passion, self-direction, surrender, and love.

You may find yourself wondering how you can have your needs met in these areas while simultaneously continuing on your road to self-mastery and identification with your highest self.

The new moon in Cancer swoops in to whisper to you that it is, in fact, quite possible to reconcile these urges and to find yourself with all you desire and more.

This week, you're invited to formulate a picture of what it would look like to be in a state where freedom and boundaries complemented each other, and where actions and passion always aligned with love in its highest form.

On Friday, the new moon offers you a moment to set your intention to make your highest vision your true reality. This intention will manifest, provided the sentiment behind it is one of intuition, love, and care. The Cancer New Moon can see through any intentions set merely for the sake of power or avoidance, but any lunar aspirations set with the heart's true fire will be honored and fulfilled.

This week's AstroYoga pose offers stability and freedom for these energies to flow through the body. 


Practice Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

To practice this pose:

1. Lunge the right foot forward and lower the left knee to the earth
2. Lift your torso and arms toward the sky 
3. Engage your shoulder blades on the back and lift the heart, broadening the chest
4. Breathe fluidly 
5. Repeat on the other side


Find the place between stability and expansion--this is the point of radical alchemy in the body, the place where your desires manifest. Can you stay in this place for several breaths? What do you notice?

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.

Join Me for Cancer Season AstroYoga Flow!

If you've ever wanted to feel grounded, capable, and relaxed amid the shifting cosmic energies, an AstroYoga Flow class is what you need.

Each zodiac season has a set of energies particular to that zodiac sign and the astrology of the year in which the season occurs.

This class integrates the current zodiac energies to support body, mind, and soul in your highest alignment with the cosmos and yourself.

This is for you if:

  • You love practicing yoga

  • You want to feel amazing and aligned physically, mentally, energetically, and emotionally

Book your spot for a special CANCER NEW MOON session here >