Cancer Season 2021 and the Waves of Your Present State

Last week was filled with powerful energy shifts that collectively moved us out of the lingering shifts from eclipse season and into the heart of summer. 

A six month cycle has completed, and now you might be finding yourself in a new situation with new energy surrounding you. Whether your circumstances, companions, or internal landscape has changed, the message is similar: it's time to settle into your new home.

Cancer season reminds you that your home is always with you, since you carry it within you. In a sense, this season is about creating space for you to settle into the energetic spaces you inhabit: those feelings, states of consciousness, and physical spaces that make up YOU.

Take time to recognize how life has shifted for you in the last six months. In what ways have you healed, grown, or shifted? In what directions do your thoughts and feelings aim? How is your experience of yourself the same or different?

This week's AstroYoga pose offers stability and strength as you abide in the spaces of your truest self. 


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Practice Boat Pose (Navasana)

To practice this pose:

1. Sit on your bottom
2. Bend your knees and lift your legs, holding behind the knees until you balance
3. Release your hands forward
4. Either straighten your legs or leave them bent
5. Stay and breathe


True Cancerian mastery in the physical body means placing the heart, chest, and belly well. Can you be both strong and supple? Can you hold yourself up while keeping a connection with the Earth? Can you keep the front and back doors of the heart open so that you can equally nurture and be nurtured?

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.

Did you know that understanding your chart can help you solve life's major dilemmas?

It's true. Your chart is a map to you, and it shows your tendencies, gifts, and pitfalls. If you find yourself stuck (whether in relationships, finances, career, or your own mental/emotional state), your chart can show you how to activate energy that will align with you to move you into better and better places. I would be happy to help you learn how!

It's all happening in the Quintessence and Luminary Memberships which give you exclusive access Ask Me Anything Sessions, on-demand yoga classes, your monthly astrology guides, and MORE. These tools can help you unlock the secrets in your chart that help you solve life's biggest enigmas. Learn more here.