This Solstice-Capricorn Full Moon Week

Welcome to Cancer Season! This Sunday marked the Solstice and Jupiter turning retrograde. Tuesday Mercury turns direct, and Thursday is the full moon in Capricorn.

Are you wondering what this means for you?

Essentially, the energy is now rife with possibility for an inner glow to take hold. This inner glowing encompasses healing old wounds, creating clear visions for the future, and opening to the state in which you find yourself now.

This powerful energy is incredibly beneficial, but it might not feel that way all the time. As old patterns and old blocks begin to release, you may find yourself alternating between mourning the past and wondering what the future may hold.

The answers lie within you. Your chart is the map which shows how to harness beneficial energy and move through difficult energy. And even deeper inside you is something that transcends all of this, even the cosmic patterning of your chart.

This solstice-full moon week is here to help you hold greater states of consciousness, healing, and love than ever before. Allow yourself the space and grace to rest, recharge, and let your flow reenter the world stronger than ever.

This week's AstroYoga pose offers balance, grounding, and opening to help you align these energies within your physical form.



Practice extended side angle pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana)!

To practice this pose:

1. Take a wide stance with the right toes turned out
2. Bend your right leg
3. Place the right elbow on the right thigh or the right hand on the floor
4. Extend the left arm along the ear
5. Breathe deeply
6. Repeat on the other side


With each inhale, extend the spine long, and with each exhale, twist your heart more and more skyward. Can you use your breath to determine the depth of the pose rather than moving into the depths of what your physical body allows?

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.

Did you know that understanding your chart can help you solve life's major dilemmas?

It's true. Your chart is a map to you, and it shows your tendencies, gifts, and pitfalls. If you find yourself stuck (whether in relationships, finances, career, or your own mental/emotional state), your chart can show you how to activate energy that will align with you to move you into better and better places. I would be happy to help you learn how!

It's all happening in the Quintessence and Luminary Memberships which give you exclusive access Ask Me Anything Sessions, on-demand yoga classes, your monthly astrology guides, and MORE. These tools can help you unlock the secrets in your chart that help you solve life's biggest enigmas. Learn more here.