The Aries Full Moon and Directing Your Energy

The full moon in Aries is here to offer you a chance to redefine your intention and your direction.

This full moon is opposite Mars in Libra. Mars rules the physical drive and directional force in life.

Mars in the zodiac reminds you that the manner and location in which you direct your life force matters. 

Mars rules two signs: Aries and Scorpio. This week has major energy from both, as this Aries full moon directly precedes the Sun moving into Scorpio.

These placements are here to offer you a chance to reflect, recommit, or redirect your energy.

Ask yourself if what you're seeking with your life force is also actively seeking you.

Offer yourself the chance to redirect your energy toward what you truly seek on a soul-level.

Give your true commitments a reaffirmation that you'll continue to spend your energy toward their benefit, as well.

Use this moon well, and you'll have the release and energy you need to make your way through Scorpio season with the directional energy of Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto now direct after their retrograde periods.



Practice standing wide-legged forward bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)

To practice this pose:

1. Take a wide stance
2. From the pelvis, fold forward with a long spine
3. Either place the hands under the face OR grab the big toes with the pointer and index fingers
4. Stay and breathe

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.

Yoga Announcement for Scorpio Season!

Tuesday 10/26/21 I'm offering a special Scorpio and Your Inner Power Yoga Flow 

Whether you're trying to find your inner strength or tap into your intuition to find your true path forward, one of the best things you can do during this Scorpio season is draw yourself into your inner depths to receive these powerful energetic gifts.

When you do this, you can:

✨ Live life from a place of inner knowing rather than external direction 

✨ Transmute frustration, indecision, and anger into direction and self-nourishment  

✨ Experience more integration in your intentionality so that you feel safe and protected by your own being

You don't need to know how to read astrology in order to do this, you simply have to set the proper intentions, and do the right activities that invite this energy into your physical form. Then you can transmute, act, and grow in alignment with the cosmos.

Claim your spot in the Special Scorpio and Your Inner Power Yoga Flow Class  >>>>