
Outer Planets: Why should you care about Uranus?

Outer Planets: Why should you care about Uranus?

Uranus is here to ask you a question: How do you feel about freedom?

Now, before we get carried away, this isn’t some patriotic guise. Freedom as I’m speaking about it refers to absolute, anything-can-happen, throw-it-to-the-wind, FREEDOM.

And chances are, you have mixed feelings about it. I know I do. Freedom sounds good at first to the ego… after all anything you want is possible. But then, upon reflection, most people will find that total freedom doesn’t sound so good because we also love boundaries. For example, we like our soul to be free...but for it to also adhere to the boundary of our bodies. And we’d like the flow of cash to be free… so long as some of it stays in our bank account.

Review of the Joyful Heart Psychic and Wellness Fair in Eugene, Oregon

Review of the Joyful Heart Psychic and Wellness Fair in Eugene, Oregon

I started today like I do most Sundays, teaching my regular yoga class at Mudra Yoga by Eugene's 5th Street Market, and then working with an astrology client.

But, today was a special day, because it was the inaugural Joyful Heart Psychic and Wellness Fair. I confess...

The (Sahasrara) Chakra Approach to… Awareness, Expansion, and Universal Truth

The (Sahasrara) Chakra Approach to… Awareness, Expansion, and Universal Truth

 You are capable of creating a sense of expansive peace, universal connection, gratitude, and trust through activating and balancing your sahasrara chakra. The sahasrara chakra is the energy center that asserts that everything in the universe is connected through energy, space, and matter. The seventh chakra can be balanced by first addressing all six lower chakras, and then sitting in meditation, or doing a meditative activity that helps you feel your connection with others or nature. An in-balance sahasrara chakra allows you to let go of attachments and trust that things are unfolding as they should. This chakra helps you develop faith in yourself and in life itself. 

The (Ajna) Chakra Approach to… Intuition, the Sixth Sense, and Seeing Beyond

The (Ajna) Chakra Approach to… Intuition, the Sixth Sense, and Seeing Beyond

You are capable of cultivating intuition, clear thoughts, and good judgement through activating and balancing your ajna chakra. The ajna chakra is the energy center of the body that asserts that you area capable of seeing truth and accessing your own inner guidance. An in-balance ajna chakra allows you to trust your intuition and see situations and others clearly. Balancing this chakra can also combat feelings of confusion or an over-reliance on external judgments. 

The (Vishuddha) Chakra Approach to… Truth, Communication, and Finding Your Voice

The (Vishuddha) Chakra Approach to… Truth, Communication, and Finding Your Voice

You are capable of creating a sense of clarity, integrity, and spiritual engagement through activating and balancing your vishuddha chakra. The vishuddha chakra is the energy center of the body that asserts that you are capable of knowing, understanding, and speaking your highest truth. This chakra can be balanced by acknowledging and moving beyond self doubt, and by practicing meditation, yoga, or other practices that put you in touch with your deepest truths. An in-balance vishuddha chakra allows you to engage in the life you most desire through bravely articulating your highest truth. Balancing this chakra can also combat feelings of self-doubt and fear.

The (Anahata) Chakra Approach to… Awareness, Balance, and Love

The (Anahata) Chakra Approach to… Awareness, Balance, and Love

You are capable of creating a sense of balance, compassion, and loving awareness through activating and balancing your anahata chakra. The anahata chakra is the energy center of the body that asserts that you area capable of healing wounds and giving/receiving love and gratitude.  An in-balance anahata chakra allows you to deeply accept yourself and others and bring awareness into your actions.

The (Manipura) Chakra Approach to… Empowerment, Action, and Self-Esteem

The (Manipura) Chakra Approach to… Empowerment, Action, and Self-Esteem

You are capable of creating a sense of balance, personal power, and positive self-esteem through activating and balancing your manipura chakra. The manipura chakra is the energy center of the body that asserts that you have a choice in every situation. This chakra can be balanced by acknowledging reality and choosing positive, balanced actions to bring your vision for life into fruition. An in-balance manipura chakra allows you to express your highest will, make decisions, stand up for yourself, and experience positive self-esteem that needs no external help. Balancing this chakra can also combat feelings of helplessness, worry, or a need for control.

The (Svadhisthana) Chakra Approach to… Pleasure, Creativity, and Ease

The (Svadhisthana) Chakra Approach to… Pleasure, Creativity, and Ease

You are capable of creating a sense of pleasure, fluidity, ease, and passion through activating and balancing your svadhisthana chakra. The svadhisthana chakra is the energy center of the body that asserts that your emotions, pleasures, and creative impulses are all vital to your wellbeing as a dynamic being.

The svadhisthana chakra can be balanced by the simple act of acknowledging what makes you happy and seeking to do more of those activities or alternately by letting go of what makes you sad or anxious. An in-balance svadhisthana chakra allows you to experience moments as they are without needing to control outcomes and to pursue your dreams with personal discipline. Balancing this chakra can also combat feelings of guilt, depression, or an out-of-balance sex drive.

The (Muladhara) Chakra Approach to... Vitality, Self-Assurance, Grounding

The (Muladhara) Chakra Approach to... Vitality, Self-Assurance, Grounding

You are capable of creating a sense of wellbeing, satisfaction, joy, and safety through activating and balancing your muladhara chakra. The muladhara chakra is the energy center of the body that asserts that at your core, you are whole, worthy, good, and joyful. This chakra asserts that not only are you good, but this truth is self-evident (read: you don’t need to do anything to prove or deserve it—you naturally deserve it and you are the proof!).

The Chakra Approach to... Experiencing Alignment through Yoga

The Chakra Approach to... Experiencing Alignment through Yoga

I believe that each of us has the capacity to create health and happiness when we align our bodies, minds, and spirits. 

Your body is intrinsically gifted at working toward the most whole, beautiful version of you, and your yoga practice works deeply with your body to align to your highest purpose. When the body is fully aligned, we say that the chakras are in balance.

The chakras are the energy centers of the body...