Turn Mercury Retrograde into a Dance of Growth and Joy: Your Weekly AstroYoga Forecast

Read on for Your Weekly Astro Yoga Forecast…

Mercury Retrograde and Mars are about to Dance the Cosmic Dance

Do you ever have feel two seemingly conflicting drives at the same time? For example, the desire to rest paired with the desire to work, or the desire for connection paired with the desire for solitude?

Well get ready, because the zodiac can experience that too. This Sunday Mars enters hard-working Capricorn at the same moment as Mercury begins to retrograde through Pisces.

What this means is that the drive to achieve your goals and to face those big challenges you've been working through will show up with renewed vigor in the same moment that the mind has a deep desire to rest, renew, dream, and restore through associative connections and free-form fantasy.

These simultaneous urges may seem like an odd couple, but they're here to show you something important.

This week, prepare yourself for this transit by asking some questions: How can you rest and play in the midst of work? In what ways can you change the pacing of your communication, work, and life to honor and reflect where you are in the moment? How can you place conscious effort into your goals while simultaneously releasing attachment to results?

This week's AstroYoga pose recruits the connection of Aquarius, Capricorn, and Pisces throughout the body and encourages balance, strength, and flexibility.


Practice Extended Hand to Big Toe pose (Utthita Padangusthasana)

To practice this pose:

1. From standing, shift weight into your left foot and pick your right leg up
2. Bend your right knee and grab your big toe with your right index and middle fingers
3. Straighten your knee any amount
4. Stay, balance, and breathe
5. Repeat on the other side


The act of balance is the practice of flowing with the natural shifts in your body and your surroundings. Can you embrace wobbles, sways, and other motions?

Engage your musculature so it's engaged but not firm to the point of blocking energy. Notice how this action affects the posture for you.

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.