Read on for Your Weekly Astro Yoga Forecast…
Welcome to 2020 Pisces Season
This year, Pisces season begins with Mercury Retrograde in Pisces and Mars moving into Capricorn.
Here is a moment when the desire to work with zest and vigor is paradoxically paired with a need to slow the mental and social chatter that we often mistakingly associate with achievement and work.
Lucky for you, the Sun is moving into Pisces to illuminate some key truths in the zodiac. Pisces season reminds us that the fluctuations of our mental state aren't the true form of consciousness. It's by exploring your depths beyond the chatter of the mind (memories, thoughts, surface emotions, and distraction techniques) that you can access the depths of your inner voice.
When you abide in your inner consciousness rather than your mental chatter, you'll have a direct line of access to your deepest wisdom and your innermost guide.
To access your inner truths, ask yourself: how can you experience your own consciousness as it abides in the body, rather than the mind? What does it feel like to do powerful work even while resting deeply? What does it feel like to deeply rest even as you do your most heartfelt work?
This week's AstroYoga pose begins at the feet and aligns the Pisces, Aquarius, and Capricorn ruled areas of the body to create beneficial engagement and expansion for the transits this week.
Practice Revolved Hand to Big Toe pose (Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana)
To practice this pose:
1. From standing, shift weight into your left foot and pick your right leg up
2. Bend your right knee and EITHER place your left hand on the outside of your right knee OR grab the blade of your right foot with you left hand
3. Straighten your knee any amount
4. Twist to your right and extend your right hand behind you
5. Stay, balance, and breathe
6. Repeat on the other side
The nature of yoga (and life) is pulsation. Can you find the natural dance between how much you draw your energy into your midline and how much you expand out into your periphery? Can you press down to the earth while rising equally to the sky?
These daces of energy are the keys to sustaining this posture for any amount of time. What do you notice as you play between them?
My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.