Sagittarius Season and Your Weekly AstroYoga Forecast for 11/26/2019

Welcome to Sagittarius Season!

So much is happening this week: yesterday, Venus entered Capricorn; today, there's a new moon in Sagittarius, and tomorrow Neptune ends his retrograde period. And, to top it all off, this is Jupiter's last week in Sagittarius until the year 2030.

What does it all mean? 

Essentially, this astrological moment is offering you an opportunity to face your major challenges of the year with new eyes. How can you examine your major stressors with love, gratitude, and heightened awareness?

Where have you been asleep where you could grow conscious? Is there something you'd like to build by yourself or with others?

Now is the time to dream, envision, and act from that place where your highest ideals meet your practical ambitions.

The AstroYoga pose of the week opens the giving heart and creates stability in the areas of the body ruled by Sagittarius and Capricorn.


Practice Crescent Moon Pose (Anjaneyasana)

To practice this pose:

1. Lunge the right foot forward and lower the left knee to the earth
2. Lift your torso and arms toward the sky 
3. Engage your shoulder blades on the back and lift the heart, broadening the chest
4. Breathe fluidly 
5. Repeat on the other side


Find the place between stability and expansion--this is the point of radical alchemy in the body, the place where your desires manifest. Can you stay in this place for several breaths? What do you notice?

My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth where there’s unrealized potential.

Enrich your practice; understand your chart!

Things are constantly shifting in the stars! Want to know what's up with your chart? Or, would you like to schedule an AstroYoga session where we make a personal training plan? Click the button below to schedule time with me! (Psst, I also offer mini readings for people with short, specific questions.)