Scorpio season is finishing up, and Sagittarius season is about to begin. The Sagittarius and Scorpio energies will be intertwined for a while, since this Saturday the Sun enters Sagittarius at the same time Venus enters Scorpio.
What these energies have to offer you is the deep integration that was sparked by last weekend's new moon in Scorpio.
As Venus begins her transit of Scorpio (and the Sun finishes his), you're called to look deeply into how you love. Are there shadow sides to the patterns you have in your romantic, artistic, and loving relationships with yourself and others? Do you find yourself seeking love, beauty and enjoyment in ways that serve aspects of your psyche that still exist in shadow?
As the Sun enters Sagittarius, now is the moment to shed light on those patterns. While Scorpio energy knows how to traverse the shadows in your psyche, Sagittarius knows exactly how to see clearly in the dark.
Sagittarius is the star gazer of the zodiac, the sign most able to look into the darkness to find tools for navigation and inspiration for the great journey ahead.
If you use these energies well, you'll not only become familiar with your unconscious patterns, you'll be able to navigate yourself into a bigger-hearted, more aware place.
Ask yourself: What is it that you truly want in terms of love, beauty, and artful living?
In what ways do you ask, or don't ask, for these needs to be met?
In what ways do you seek for these needs to be met? Could you become more conscious of your drives and desires in these areas?
Are there behavior or thought patterns that move through you in difficult moments that you don't understand?
This week's AstroYoga pose nourishes the areas of the body affected by these transits.
Practice Uttanasana (standing forward fold)
To practice this pose:
1. From standing, make the feet parallel and press down through both feet evenly
2. Take a deep inhale and lengthen the spine
3. Gently tip the pelvis forward as you fold toward the legs
4. Either stop when you can go no further with a long spine OR bend the knees so you can fold further
5. Breathe and relax
If your ribcage is pressing into your thighs (by bending the knees or otherwise), create some spinal traction and length by pulling gently on the toes or by hugging the calf muscles. You'll find gentle length in your spine that feels something like an inversion table--Aaaaah.
Notice what feelings come up for you in this pose. Does it seem too simple? Worthwhile? Pleasant or unpleasant? All of these feelings will tell you something about your present experience in yoga and life.
My advice on how this asana connects with astrology is general. Your personal chart will offer more specific advice on what sorts of activities could fortify your best qualities and encourage growth and healing where there’s unrealized potential.