Leo Season and the Lion's Gate: 2021 Zodiac AstroYoga Flow
AstroYoga Flow for the Leo-Aquarius Continuum
Get into your heart space and navigate the Leo-Aquarius Continuum with this flow 💜
AstroYoga Flow for Fixed Sign Energetic Flow/Rebalancing
Taurus, Aquarius, Leo, and Scorpio have some big shifts happening. Do this flow to align these areas!
AstroYoga for the Full Moon
This flow is great for any full moon! This is from a live Zoom class during the Cancer full moon on 12.29.20. Cancer is the zodiac sign ruled by the moon, so the astro flows in this session can easily be drawn into any lunation cycle. Use this practice to connect to the moon. Feel free to add to it as you please!
AstroYoga Class for Aligning and Grounding the Solar Eclipse and Grand Conjunction
Join in for this flow class centered on grounding and sustaining your energy during tumultuous times. Great for Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius seasons.