Flow (Vinyasa) Yoga

AstroYoga Moderately-Paced Flow for Scorpio/Sagittarius Placements

This AstroYoga Flow Class is designed to aid the Scorpio and Sagittarius ruled sections of the body. It's great as a late fall practice, or to connect with those areas of your personal chart. This one has a moderate, steady pace meant to give you intentional access to the pelvic floor and hips. Give it a try and notice how you feel!

1 Hour AstroYoga Flow Class with Hip Opening/Strengthening

This is an active flow class recorded in the fall of 2020. This active class works deep into the hips and moves into sun dial pose toward the end. This class is suitable for Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius transits/placements. You might also use this during Saturn and Pluto transits.